Landscape 2 | 2023 | 330 x 480 mm | Ink on paper

Landscape 1 | 2023 | 240 x 330 mm | Ink on paper

Kartell | 2023 | 1000 x 500 mm | Ink on plastic

Flowers 4 | 2021 | 650 x 1000 mm | Red ink on paper

Flowers 3 | 2020 | 650 x 1000 mm | Red ink on paper

Flowers 2 | 2020 | 650 x 1000 mm | Red ink on paper

Flowers 1 | 2020 | 650 x 1000 mm | Red ink on paper

Schwimmen lernen | 2020 | 650 x 1000 mm | Edding on paper

janein | 2019 | 650 x 1000 mm | Edding on paper

ES | 2019 | 650 x 1000 mm | Edding on paper

Who the fuck is Siggi O. | 2019 | 600 x 600 mm | Coal on canvas

Movement 3 | 2019 | 700 x 1600 mm | Edding on enamel

Movement 2 | 2018 | 650 x 1000 mm | Edding on paper

Movement 1 | 2018 | 650 x 1000 mm | Edding on paper

Dinner with 5 Plates | 2018 | Ink on paper | Desk

Cadmiumred No 2 | 2018 | 600 x 800 mm | Oil on canvas

Cadmiumred No 1 | 2018 | 600 x 800 mm | Oil on canvas

Design for Energiezentrale TU Darmstadt | 2018 | Architectural art | Silicate paint on concrete | Paint on glass

Design for Energiezentrale TU Darmstadt | Detail | 2018 | Architectural art

Thoughts Box | 2018 | 85 x 85 x 85 mm | Mixed media on paper

Moving Landscape | 2018 | 530 x 700 mm | Ink on fotoprint

Moving Landscape | 2018 | 530 x 650 mm | Ink on fotoprint

Moving Landscape | 2018 | 530 x 700 mm | Ink on fotoprint

Untitled | 2018 | 650 x 700 mm | Ink on paper

Moving Landscape | 2018 | 650 x 800 mm | Ink on paper

Waterlines (Linear) | 2018 | 480 x 640 mm | Ink on paper

Kitchenlines | 2018 | Walldrawing | Digital composing

Wallpaper drawing | 2018 | 1000 x 1000 mm | Ink on paper

Bodylines 3 | 2017 | 2700 x 3000 mm | Edding on paper

Bodylines 2 | 2017 | 2700 x 3000 mm | Edding on paper | Film:

Bodylines 2 | 2017 | Freeze frame |

Bodylines 2 | 2017 | Freeze frame |

Bodylines 2 | 2017 | Freeze frame |

Bodylines 1 | 2017 | Freeze frame | Film:

Erotic figure | 2017 | 480 x 640 mm | Ink on paper

Erotic figure | 2017 | 480 x 640 mm | Ink on paper

Legs | 2017 | 1000 x 700 mm | Ink on canvas

Room | 2017 | 1000 x 700 mm | Ink on canvas

Unfinished Room | 2017 | 1000 x 700 mm | Ink on canvas

Legs | 2017 | 480 x 640 mm | Ink on paper

Room | 2017 | 340 x 270 mm | Ink and acrylic on canvas

Splash | 2017 | 480 x 640 mm | Mixed media on paper

Splash 2 | 2017 | 640 x 480 mm | Mixed media on paper

Aleatoric landscape | 2017 | 210 x 210 mm | Mixed media on paper

Aleatoric landscape | 2017 | 210 x 210 mm | Mixed media on paper

Aleatoric landscape | 2017 | 210 x 210 mm | Mixed media on paper

Nuvola | 2017 | Design for floating object 17 x 7 x 2.50 meters stainless steel | Lasered | Bundesamt für Bauwesen und Raumordnung | Berlin

Waterlines | 2017 | 1000 x 700 mm | Ink on canvas

Waterlines | 2017 | 1000 x 700 mm | Ink on canvas

Waterlines | 2017 | 1000 x 700 mm | Ink on canvas

Linear | 2017 | 1000 x 700 mm | Ink on canvas

Linear | 2017 | 1000 x 700 mm | Ink on canvas

Linear | 2017 | 480 x 640 mm | Ink on paper

Descrizione di Roma | 2017 | 640 x 480 mm | Ink on paper

Descrizione di Roma | 2017 | 640 x 480 mm | Ink on paper

Descrizione di Roma | 2017 | 700 x 500 mm | Ink on canvas

Drawn 2 | 2016 | 1000 x 650 mm | Ink on paper

Bodylines 1 | 2015 | 2700 x 3000 mm | Edding on paper

911 | 2015 | 500 x 700 mm | Coal on canvas

911 construction year 1973 | 2014 | 500 x 700 mm | Coal on canvas

Porcelain dishes design | 2014

Porcelain dishes design | 2014

Porcelain dishes design | 2014

Olivetti, Frankfurt Niederrad | 2014 | 600 x 600 mm | Coal on canvas

Untitled | 2014 | 1500 x 3700 mm | Ink on paper (detail)

Feather | 2014 | 140 x 160 mm | Pencil on wood

Untitled love | 2013 | 1570 x 3000 mm | Ink on paper

Muffe | 2010 | 2000 x 1200 mm | Coal on paper

Untitled | 2009 | 2100 x 2700 mm | Ink on paper

Untitled | 2009 | 2100 x 2700 mm | Ink on paper

25 meters | 2004 | Mixed media on paper (detail)

25 meters | 2004 | Mixed media on paper (detail)

25 meters | 2004 | Mixed media on paper (detail)

Coal on wall (detail) | 2002 | 8000 x 3000 mm

Coal on wall (detail) | 2002 | 8000 x 3000 mm

Turbulence 1 | 2000 | 2900 x 2500 mm | Coal on paper

Descrizione di Roma 1 | 1999 | 3 parts each 800 x 800 mm | Chalk on paper

Descrizione di Roma 2 | 1999 | 3 parts each 800 x 800 mm | Chalk on paper

Descrizione di Roma 3 | 1999 | 3 parts each 800 x 800 mm | Chalk on paper

Olevano Romano | 1999 | 210 x 306 mm | Chalk on paper

Olevano Romano | 1999 | 210 x 306 mm | Chalk on paper

Olevano Romano | 1999 | 210 x 306 mm | Chalk on paper

Olevano Romano | 1999 | 210 x 306 mm | Chalk on paper

Schweizer National | 1998 | 600 x 600 mm | Coal on canvas

Halle 5 | 1998 | 600 x 600 mm | Coal on canvas

Untitled | 1997 | Coal on paper | wall drawing

Untitled | 1997 | Coal on paper | wall drawing

Muffe | 1997 | 2000 x 1580 mm | Coal on paper

Study | 1987 | 250 x 350 mm | Mixed media on paper